The Wild Swimmer Blog

Welcome to the Divers Cove Blog! Dive into a treasure trove of outdoor swimming tips, training techniques, and insightful reads on the health benefits of wild swimming. Stay tuned for fresh content, there's always something new to discover here!

Wild Swimming Near London - Divers Cove
How to Breathe Properly when Outdoor Swimming | Divers Cove
Training, Techniques & Tips

How to Breathe Properly when Outdoor Swimming

July 9, 2024
5 min read
Wild Swimming & Yoga Retreats | Divers Cove
Fitness & Wellness

Wild Swimming and Yoga Retreats at Divers Cove

Have you ever considered combining the tranquillity of yoga with the exhilaration of wild swimming? Whether you’re a yoga enthusiast keen to incorporate wild swimming into your wellness routine, or a wild swimmer wanting to try yoga, our retreats offer the best of both worlds. 
July 25, 2024
5 min read
We’ve been Featured on Surrey Live | Divers Cove
Training, Techniques & Tips
Latest News

We’ve been Featured on Surrey Live

We've been featured in a recent article on Surrey Live, our local news outlet! We’re thrilled that our wild swimming lake has been named as a haven for enhancing mental and physical wellbeing, as we’re keen to get more people in Surrey and the surrounding areas trying wild swimming. 
June 27, 2024
5 min read
20 Signs You're an Outdoor Swimmer | Divers Cove
Training, Techniques & Tips

20 Signs You're an Outdoor Swimmer

Love taking to the cold water? Think of your beloved wetsuit as a bit of a second skin. Think no weather is “bad weather”? You’re one of our people!
June 12, 2024
5 min read
18 Reasons to Start Wild Swimming in 2024 | Divers Cove
Fitness & Wellness

18 Reasons to Start Wild Swimming in 2024

Are you new to open water swimming, and tempted to give it a try in 2024? Here’s why we think you should give it a try this year, and some of our top tips for wild swimming for beginners!
May 14, 2024
5 min read
How to Go from Pool Swimmer to Wild Swimmer | Divers Cove
Fitness & Wellness
Latest News

Going From Pool Swimmer to Wild Swimmer | Ultimate Guide

Tired of the chlorine-filled, crowded lanes of your local swimming pool? If you’re looking to dive into a more adventurous exercise experience, then wild swimming might just be the answer for you! ‍
May 8, 2024
5 min read